OK, an inexperienced snapper took pictures in his downswing; we accept that's off-putting. OK he shouldn't have done it; but for heaven's sake get over it. His post-final round interview was cringeworthy.
Poulter could do worse than to look at his contemporaries in tennis - there the world's top players are constantly being photographed but they are so focussed it makes no difference to them.
They are also gracious in defeat despite being clearly upset - or at least Andy Roddick is.
In his post-Wimbledon final interview he admitted how disappointed he was and how strong his opponent, Roger Federer, had been. He didn't complain about the surface, the photographers, the crowd interruptions - which are starting to become unacceptable - or the quality of the Robinson's Barley Water.
He gave his best, came second and took it on the chin. Ian Poulter take note.
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